Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year 2019! (Image Source - https://cdn4.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/11/43/happy-new-year-2019-vector-20931143.jpg)
We humans have this tendency to demarcate our lives and celebrate it in so many ways. Festivals to flaunt our emotions, celebrations to mark the changing of seasons, commemoration days to remember the legends that walked amongst us, religious rituals, birthdays, anniversaries and what not! Today, the beginning of a New Year, is one such day that we all look forward to. Staying awake till midnight to see the clock hands converge, feeling the the end of one old, huge chunk of time and the arrival of a new, fresh phase, sharing good wishes with friends and relatives through calls and messages, falling asleep with buzzing minds are all things that make our new year celebrations.

But, apart from the change in calendars and diaries, and a holiday to spend away from the grind of our day-to-day lives, what else is special about this day? Just as I sat contemplating this question today, I found my mind returning to one answer again and again – Hope. It is hope that marks and makes this day special for us humans.

Seen through the glasses of pragmatism, today is in no way different from yesterday and nor from our morrows. The same Sun came up from the same direction. Our lives and daily activities do all take place in the same fashion. But there is something clearly visible in the faces and behavior of every person that we come across today. It is the gleam of hope - Hope that this year, this man-made chunk of Time, is going to be different from all the rest that went ahead of it. The hope that this year will be the one in which most, if not all, of our dreams are going to come true. The hope of being able to live our days to the fullest from now onwards, staying true to our ‘resolutions’. Hope that we will be spared of all the travails and turmoil that made our lives difficult in the days gone by. Hope of feeling peace and happiness in the next 365 days to follow.

As the hours tick away from the first day of this new year, here is my wish for you –

'Without letting it slip away when you begin the day tomorrow, may you keep that hope pinned to your hearts. Let that hope produce abundant positive emotions and energy within you. May that hope guide you towards your dreams and help you achieve your goals. May that hope lift you high and place you all at the high pedestals of life. May that hope fill you with good health and humour. May that hope spread among your friends and families, fill their hearts to the brim and make them spend the next twelve months in good health, immense peace, boundless joy, blessed with all the positive bounties of life.'

May you all have a blessed and blissful 2019!

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