Saturday, November 27, 2021

Book Review - Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche

Well, I am not gonna' pretend that I thoroughly understood this book. Partly due to the writing style - lengthy sentences that run up to a quarter of a page, archaic references, sentences that switch into German or French frequently, making it difficult to follow or even comprehend. As a result many parts went over my head. The edition is also to be blamed partly - poor editing that didn't care enough to correct the missing punctuation marks, or provide translations for the French/German/Greek words. There are full stops missing from many of the sentences, as a result of which I ended up reading some of the sentences twice to understand that they are really two different sentences.

But after all that, this is a book that deserves to be read more than once. Intense and absolutely scathing in its honesty, this is a book that deserves deeply focused reading to be enjoyed thoroughly. Those portions where I was able to give the book my undivided attention turned out to be truly gripping and thoughtful.

May be I will read this book again soon when I become truly knowledgeable and even end up relishing it. For this is a book that is good in parts, all those parts that I was able to comprehend. 

 3 stars for now! 


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