Thursday, April 6, 2017

Smile, Please! :-)

Smile! (Image Source - Pinterest)

The world these days, at least in our big cities, is growing more and more chaotic. Stress has become the buzzword. Road-rage and professional rat-race have become commonplace. Ego, hurt, anger, misunderstandings, cut-throat behavior, lack of compassion, absence of love and what not?!

Fortunately, there is a simple remedy. A very simple one that you might even laugh at me.

It is nothing other than 'smile'. Don't trust me? Try it yourself. The next time you interact with a stranger, begin with a smile. A smile is the most contagious thing. Even the most egoistic, grumpiest person cannot resist it. Smile is the weapon that disarms even the most arrogant person. It can dispel someone's unsaid gloom. At times, your smile is the only positive thing that could happen to someone for the whole day. 

So, share that beautiful smile of yours with someone today!  😊💓

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