Tuesday, February 21, 2017

This Dawn's Epiphany

After spending another night of my life in train, I woke up early to watch the sunrise as is my wont when I travel this route. The dawn was lovely, without doubt. The pale grayish blue of the East turning into pink and purple, only to shed them quickly and change into shining hues of saffron and gold. It was a happy sunrise as always, but it felt just like any other sunrise.

When I thought about what was lacking, what was amiss, I realised that the sky was without clouds. But for a few wisps here and there, the horizon looked as barren as a stretch of desert.

That's when I realised something - hurdles and challenges don't mar your life but make it worthwhile. Just as the Sun looks far more glorious and grandiose when He shines through the clouds, letting His light spread through the gaps, with even the darkness of the clouds starting to reflect His golden glow, making it an all the more majestic and mesmerizing arrival, our lives too need 'clouds' to gain glory and happiness.

Going through the challenges of human life without giving up, treading bravely through the darkness, determined to press on no matter how glum the days may presently be, not being bogged by the obstacles but using them as opportunities to gather even more glories - isn't that what our frail human lives are all about?!

Success feels far sweeter when achieved after a long struggle; love turns more passionate when opposed; and, peace seems ethereal after a prolonged period of suffering.

Let the pains, challenges and obstacles in our lives be like those clouds - passing, flimsy and, more importantly, opportunities that make us shine even more grandiosely. Just as those dark clouds turn dazzling in the Sun's heavenly splendor, may our troubles and battles turn into glorious tales for us all to recall with a pleasant sense of nostalgia as we arrive at the Western horizon of our worthy lives.

Wishing you all love and peace!

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