Sunday, January 8, 2017

Book Review - Dataclysm, Christian Rudder

Dataclysm, Christian Rudder (Image Source - Google)
Having become curious to know what data analytics is all about, I searched the web for a good book to learn from. Some of the blogs on data science had recommended this book to me as a worthy beginner. But finishing it now, I am not certain whether I have learnt anything other than a sample of results.

Christian Rudder is the co-founder of dating site OKCupid which puts him in a position to possess and analyze vast streams of data. But the results of the analysis are all irrelevant and insipid - at least not to the purpose for which I opened the book.

Only the last couple of chapters are of some interest and substance, as they discuss a little about the use and privacy of our personal data in an increasingly digitized world. Overall, this is just an OK book to read.


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