Nature - everything about Her is very magical. Be it the process of a
little seed transforming into a tender sprout or the glory of the
gigantic planets beckoning from beyond unimaginable distances, anything
and everything about Nature has a mystical touch about it. But there
are two things that lend a more personal touch to Her magic - Mountains
and Oceans!
Just sit at the seashore - all that chatter of the waves, their eternal bounciness, the depths that contain mysteries from
the past, the generosity with which the sea offers its bounties to
everyone - don't they remind you of being in the presence of a little
child - energetic and ebullient!
On the other hand, the mere sight of mountains fills one with sheer
veneration. Standing majestic in their grand glory, scaling the distance
between the earth and sky, shelter to myriad species of flora and
fauna, withstanding the test of Time and witness to its passages like a
grand old patriarch, the mountains stand, silent and serene.
Somebody once said that the more one wants to live life, the more one
needs to spend time with elderly people and little children. I feel that
the more one needs to love life, the more one needs to be in the
presence of the mountains and seas. Surreal! 

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