No one watching a beautiful movie like 'Cast Away' can miss out on these three life lessons.
1. Love isn't about those romantic cuddles, walking into the sunset
holding hands, or dancing with a gang of hundred people clad in flashy
attires. It is about being 'together' even while staying away from one
another, even when there is nothing more to offer to one another,
physically or emotionally.
2. Loneliness isn't just about sitting alone and sullen. It is about taking the time to evolve, learning from that solitude, taking it as a chance for deep contemplation and personal betterment.
3. Hope isn't just about hanging in there and believing that things
will improve on their own. It is about grabbing the initiative,
performing one's own little part in the great chain of events and trying
one's best to improve the situation.
No wonder this movie remains one of those beautiful ones in my 'all-time favorites' list!
Liked it..absolutely wonderful:-)