Monday, September 15, 2014

Hate, Like, Love!

In our lives, we will all meet three types of people.

The first lot will never be able to see our positives, but will happily find our faults and hit us at those weak points. They are the ones that will take pleasure in pushing us in the dirt, smearing our faces and hurting us at whim.

The second lot are the ones that will keep praising us, lauding even the smallest of our deeds as something so grand and unique. These are the people that like us and don't want to see our faults or choose to ignore them.

Then, there will be people who will be appreciate us when we are right and rap us on the knuckles when we are wrong. These are the people that will neither unduly praise us, nor unnecessarily blame us. They are the ones who will 'call the spade a spade' irrespective of the consequences. Truly these are the ones that love us for what we are.

The beauty of Life is that each of these people contribute to our growth and personal development. It is up to us to treat them with the amount of respect and attention that each of them deserve, without being bogged down by appearances. <3

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Live Life, Intense & King-size!

Equanimity is a virtue, no doubts. But once in a while, it is OK to indulge in the emotional extremes too, because, it is only when one plunges into the emotional chaos can one emerge better and wiser. And, it is in the sheer peak of emotions, with happiness flowing all around, does one catch a glimpse of that all-encompassing Love.

After all, the point of life is not merely about stopping every now and then to analyze the progress, but about living it. And, living one does, by going through all the emotions wholly and properly. Cry when you feel sad, smile when you feel happy, laugh like a child, grin like a kid, weep when you feel worse, love with all your being, let go with gratitude when people leave, play fair and yet hard, eat for your tastes, wear your favorite clothes, pamper yourself with the paraphernalia you like, love yourself enough to cut the flabs - physical as well as emotional, listen to music that elevates you, read stuff that makes you wiser, do things that you always wanted to do, kiss like you want to pour your beings into one another, love like you might never get a chance again, hug like you want to fuse your souls together, leave no emotions unsaid, no hurts unhealed, no mistakes uncorrected, no friendships left to gather dust and no parts of your being, unexplored. Life is too big to play small and sensible. 

Children playing with the leaves
Be a sinner, become a saint. Be a student, become the teacher. Be in pitch darkness, grow into light. Feel the hatred, blossom into love.

Be spontaneous and sure about all that you do. Indeed, this is what Nature teaches us too. Have you seen a tree in spring? Have you seen the same tree again in autumn? In spring, the tree shines in full bloom, bringing forth all his riches, putting up a colorful show. He does not worry about equanimity and remaining stoical over the impending autumn. He just brings for his riches and shines in full glory.

The same tree, when autumn arrives, sheds all the flowers, buds and the leaves. He doesn't wail, but understands that to be an inevitable event in life. Once in a while, he has to remain desolate, naked, vulnerable, ugly and without any cause for revelry. But he does not complain. He just goes through the same completely. He doesn't hold some leaves, doesn't try faking blooms or simply give up, wither and die at once. He just lives, because deep inside, he knows that the hands of the clock will come full circle again.

There are only two things that one must keep in mind all through the process of life - Love and Gratitude. Once you're sure that you have both these in your arsenal, you are free to go ahead and take on Life. Life isn't to be merely analyzed and acknowledged. Life is just to be lived, and to be lived intense and King-size!

Book Review – After the War, Wendy Doniger

When a decade ago, Wendy Doniger’s book ‘The Hindus’ got pulped, I was among those that raised voice in social media against it and some of ...