Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year 2024!

As the first Sun of 2024 went back home, I was busy preparing my new diary and journal, packing off the old ones to their crammed space inside the ageing carton. While planning for the days ahead with optimism, a part of my mind also started reminiscing about 2023 that is so near and yet so far. The year had been a mixed bag for me – like every other year had ever been – but overall, it was a year I could recall for more positive reasons than anything else.


Looking back, I have quite a few things to be thankful for about the bygone year. My family members - near and far – and friends facing serious health challenges but emerging unscathed, friends struggling with their careers but ending up in better places for all their struggles, some close ones losing their family members to illnesses but showing tremendous dignity and emotional strength in overcoming their pains, accolades at work and occasional personal achievements, growing bonds with some old friends, lessons in letting go the dead horses,  arrival of a beautiful friendship – the year had been one where I had my own fair share of great and not so good things. But sifting through these events and experiences, I could sense one emotion standing tall amidst them all – Love.


Whether it is in caring for loved ones that were sick or in sharing the anxiety of friends facing career challenges, whether it was sharing the pain of loved ones suffering losses or being lucky enough to see close friends succeed big, whether it is in strengthening old bonds or in letting go the dysfunctional ones with dignity - the affection, the kindness, and the deep love that I was able to share and feel in 2023 is what makes it special. After all, it is Love that makes anything and everything special, isn’t it?!


So, here is my customary wish to you and yours on the first day of this new sojourn around the Sun – may 2024 be one of the best years of your life. By all means, please strive for more and achieve all your goals – personal and professional. Become healthier, wealthier and happier. Attain all your career goals and be happy with your families. But do it all with a deep-seated kindness in your hearts. Smile more at strangers. Treat one another with kindness and respect. Renew your sagging relationships. Share more words of affection with loved ones. Hug and kiss your near and dear ones every chance you get. Tell them how much their presence means to you. You never know whom you end up helping, or even healing. May your kind smiles be the footprints that you leave in the hearts of everyone that you come across this year. Take care. 


Happy New Year 2024!



Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sea's Alchemy

I sometimes think that there can be no greater alchemist in the world than my beloved sea. She takes the sunlight at dawn and converts it into copper but when she uses the same rays by midday, she is able to produce gold. At night, when the same sun's rays bounce off the ball-like moon, she hammers out sheets of silver. Isn't she such a magician?! 😃 💓

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

We Will All Be Just Memories!

There is this friendly, elderly server working in a restaurant near my office. I couldn't see him last week when I went for my usual bite. I didn't give it much thought, assuming it might have been a day off for him.

When I visited the restaurant for breakfast today, I saw him back at work. He was looking quite dishevelled and desolate. I smiled at him as usual and enquired about his health, as I thought that he was not keeping well. He looked back at me with lifeless eyes and told in his typical hurried style that his wife had passed away ten days ago. I was about to pull out a chair to sit, but felt stunned and stood there, staring at his face, unsure of what I should say. I made the usual enquiry about her age and health issues. He simply told me that she was 62 and was not known to have any health issues till the last moment. All that she felt was a sense of breathlessness for the last five minutes before it all ended forever.

Not wanting to probe him further and thus causing him relive the pain of separation, I ordered my food and sat there in silence throughout my breakfast. When I paid the bill and gave him the usual tip of Rs. 10, I felt a tinge of pain and a little silly for assuming that a single printed currency note will make him feel better today. Not having the courage to look at his lifeless eyes I walked back to work surrounded by a sense of glum.

Five minutes was all it took for him to lose his companion of many decades forever. Reams have been written about the uncertainty of life, but now that I am slowly moving towards middle age myself, having crossed the impregnable enthusiasm of youth, every such loss around makes me dwell deeper and deeper at the bonds around. Five minutes is all that they had to say goodbye, to relive the companionship of 40+ years, to apologize for those hurts caused knowingly and unknowingly, to say how much they loved one another, to share the gratitude for a life of togetherness. Five damn minutes that we all waste away buried in our gadgets and meaningless pursuits, behaving as if we have eons of life stretching ahead of us.

Wake up, people! Greet your parents. Hug your spouse. Kiss your children. Celebrate your friendships. Be grateful to all the people that matter to you. Convey your affection every time you get a chance. Our clocks are all ticking and the needles can stop anytime. Let's make sure that we make each moment count. Take care!



Friday, January 6, 2023

To Be (Sensitive) or Not To Be (Sensitive)?!

These days, I increasingly think about all those people from my formative years, who used to advise me to be not so sensitive. Paying heed to their advice could have saved me from lot of heartburn, betrayals, pains and sad phases. Being able to perceive what people have in their mind, without even being told, is a curse one could have avoided by developing a thick skin.

On the other hand, by becoming insensitive, I could have lost the blessings of being able to relish the little joys of life. The tenderness of early morning Sun, the serenity of late night Moon, the joy of witnessing a seed sprout, the boundless love in the eyes of pet canine, the relish of soul-soothing strains of music, the tactile bliss of feeling a pencil tip caress the surface of paper, the soulful smile on the face of a beloved one, the tender touch of a child, the ability to love without ever being in need of any reciprocation or consummation, the protective blessings of a parent's embrace - would they have become lost forever for me, a 'collateral damage', if I had developed thick skin in order to protect my heart?

Would I ever know?!  ❤️


 - A.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!

Yesterday, just as I was packing up my diary and journals of 2022, a strange thought crossed my mind. What is all this excitement of New Year’s Eve about? What are we actually celebrating on 01st January? How and why are we celebrating the beginning of a new year without even knowing what’s in store? Or, are we celebrating our having gotten rid of another year, with all its twists and turns, thrills and travails? In fact, even when we celebrate our birthdays, do we celebrate our getting older and moving one step towards the final destination? Or, do we celebrate our still being alive and getting another chance of life, no matter how uncertain? Just as I was mulling the last question, the penny dropped.

Image Source - Google

We humans, despite how psychologists and writers portray us to be, are optimists by nature. Marching on to the beat of a deeply inscribed desire for survival, we always keep finding opportunities to get better and evolve. This urge is what helped nations ravaged by wars and plagues to rebuild themselves and emerge stronger out of their ashes. This urge is what keeps the seemingly weak organisms thrive despite the ever-looming danger of predators and bigger threats.

All these little milestones of new years and birthdays are nothing but microcosmic expressions of that Universal urge to evolve and keep going. This urge, this sensing of opportunity is what fills gyms on the first weeks of the new year. This is why people sound more optimistic and energetic than at any other time of the year. This is what makes us all set lofty goals, make sparkling plans and dream colorful dreams for the year ahead. Just as I felt that, I also sensed the overall sentiment in the air around this time – a sense of opportunity.

The year 2022 was one of hope. Having been caged in for two years by the pandemic, the whole of humanity rushed forward in 2022. We all hoped for a better year in 2022 and at least for most of us, it turned out to be better than the previous few years. Now, this 2023 may be the time, we all put our feet firmly and grab our opportunities - of not mere materialistic nature, but of a superior kind. With the pandemic showing signs of finally being controlled, can we grab the opportunities of Life this year?

The opportunity to love, to exist in peace, to better ourselves, to improve as a whole as mankind, is up for grabs. Can we make use of that opportunity? Hate is ruining the world. Materialism and consumerism are threatening our long-term survival. Spirituality is slowly vanishing, supplanted by self-aggrandizing interpretations of eternal truths. Human ties are either loose or vanishing altogether. Will we find the opportunity to bond better with our fellow humans this year? Will we make better use of this shining opportunity called 2023? Knowing the human spirit, which has the knack of raising above itself when an opportunity beckons, I am hopeful we will. 

So, here’s hoping you and yours have a pleasantly memorable 2023. May this be the year where you fulfil not just your desires but also your destiny. May this be the year that we all grab the opportunity to be the better versions of ourselves – healthier, kinder, calmer, more sensible and more divine!

Happy New Year 2023!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Happy Diwali!

In childhood, when our duties during Diwali were just about wearing new clothes, munching snacks, bursting crackers with neighbour kids or cousins, and simply behaving ourselves, I used to wish we could celebrate Diwali every other month, if not every other week. Now that I have become an adult, ‘enjoying’ all the responsibilities that accompany that tag, I have started to understand what a festival celebration entails. Right from cleaning the house to decorating it, going for shopping to preparing the logistics, making travel arrangements to receiving guests, and assisting spouse with last minute requirements, preparing for a festival is simply a Herculean task!


However, every now and then, amidst all the fatigue caused by all the endless running around, I get a pinch of happiness and hope. Aren’t all these festivals, all their rituals and rigorous preparations aside, a chance to break the tedium of our daily lives?! Apart from the change of clothes, aren’t we blessed with a change of moods as well? We start the day with an unusual enthusiasm, no matter how fleeting that may be. We focus on the good side of everything – the taste of food, the décor of the home, phone calls and messages from friends and acquaintances, a sense of euphoria pervades all through our days. We reach out to people with whom we haven’t even had a text message exchange throughout the year to wish them well on the auspicious day. We send and receive positive vibes throughout the day. We lift our heads out of the smart-gadget sands and look at the world around. We eat together. We sit and chat together. We greet neighbours, colleagues, relatives and acquaintances with a rare sense of sincerity.


While all that altruism and sense of celebration is difficult to carry all through the other, routine days, why can’t we cling on to that sense of camaraderie and goodwill that festivals like Diwali entail? Why can’t we simply treat one another with respect and that little touch of affection on all through the other days as well? In a world that is becoming increasingly bitter and insensitive to the wonderful gift of life, imagine what even a little effort to bring in that festive positivity to our daily lives can do!


With that thought, I belatedly wish you and all yours a wonderful festival of Diwali! May all your days ahead be filled with the warmth, love and euphoria that you felt today. Take care, dear all.


Happy Diwali!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Book Review – India and Asian Geopolitics, Shivshankar Menon

From being a leading proponent of the Non-Aligned Movement and safely sailing the choppy waters of the volatile Cold War years, to being criticized as meddling in the internal politics of America, when the current Indian prime minister was seen pitching for an US president vying for a second term, India has come a long way since 1947. How did this change occur? How did India, following a painfully cautious approach in her dealings with foreign powers in Her nascent days as a nation state, evolve into a force reckon with? I have always been curious about that. This book has answered at least most part of that question, in an interesting, at times repetitive way.

First, the positives. The author, Shivshankar Menon, has the credentials to begin with. Having been the foreign secretary and national security advisor to the prime minister, he has had a ringside view of the geopolitical games. He was also a part of the team that convinced the Nuclear Suppliers Group to supply nuclear material. So, when someone like that writes a book, credibility is assured.

Also, the author makes it easy for us to understand India’s geopolitical past by breaking it into decades, starting from the days when India achieved independence from British colonialists. That breaking down of the entire past into manageable chunks of decades makes it easy for us to follow the narrative and understand the causes and effects. Being a professor must have come in handy for him to understand how to drive home a point, even one as intricate as global politics. His simple writing style coupled with his unbiased analysis of the policies of the Founding Fathers and the impact of their decisions make for good reading.

Now for the negatives, the book has some unforgiveable printing mistakes, as many of the pages containing the maps are left blank. With many other customers having left similar complaints on Amazon’s book page, this doesn’t seem to be a one-off instance, which is very bad on the part of the publishers. Two, for a book of this volume the font size is pretty small, making for strenuous reading. When it comes to the content, the author starts sounding a tad too repetitive in the second part. His obsession with China is a little tiring too. I was looking to read more about India’s tackling the  threat from Pakistan, but the author would rather talk about China, which is understandably a larger threat to India.

The final part, where the author discusses India’s current geopolitical stance is bound to offend some people, especially my friends from right wing. But within these pages are some hard-hitting, bitter facts. Think for yourself! From being a major force that guided nations like Sri Lanka and Nepal through their political crises, brought into existence Bangladesh through a swift war, India is now straining to keep her ties intact with these countries. All this while China has already started meddling in their internal politics and defining their future, as is obvious in countries Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Even the faraway African countries are feeling the reach of China’s tentacles through BRI initiative and ‘string of pearl’ port constructions. Blaming it on the divisive politics of the incumbent government and showmanship that has little to show in terms of performance, the author finishes the book with a clear warning of the tough days ahead for India, if she chooses to ignore the highly volatile external developments, dividing the country based on an over-hyped halcyon past.

Right or wrong, India had an aura of neutrality in the past, having stayed as far from the power games of bipolar world as possible. That is why she could adapt without much difficulty to the post-Cold War world, when a more considerate USSR disintegrated. But the growth of ultranationalist forces within, that view even external relationships in terms of binaries of with us or against us – effects of association with the US, no doubt – leave India walking on thin ice on many fronts. The most glaring example is the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia, where by virtue of closer association, US is forcing India to condemn Russia on international forums but the enduring age-old ties and growing concerns on the immediate neighborhood force India to be more restrained on her views of the conflict. Result? India is being seen as an uncooperative partner by many in the West.

Not that the views of the hypocritical west matters, but an India that is trying to become the ‘Vishwaguru’, a force to reckon with not just in Asia but across the world, that surpassed some of the major western powers in economic growth, has to firmly make a stance on what she’s going to be – a compliant ally playing second fiddle to the tunes of major powers from West or blaze a path that is truly worthy of emulation by all, in terms of politics, unity, economic growth and overall well-being of her citizens. As Abe Lincoln once told, ‘a house divided against itself cannot stand’ and an India, trying to amplify the sins and glories of a distant past, cannot withstand the political whirlwind that is brewing in her immediate neighborhood. The author finishes the book with hopeful words of how a united India, with all her citizens marching together, holding high her flag of pluralism, can regain primacy on all fronts – domestic or international. And, I finished it with hopes too.

4.5 stars!

Happy New Year 2024!

As the first Sun of 2024 went back home, I was busy preparing my new diary and journal, packing off the old ones to their crammed space insi...